In the community
As a church we see our mission is to serve the community in the Bere Peninsula. We want people to come to know Jesus, and we recognise that for many they have to know we care before they care about what we know.
We get involved with the community through various events and ministries, which you can read more about below.
Jesus told us to love our neighbours and to “do to others as you would have them do to you”. (Luke 6:31) So, in response we have developed a number of ways in which we can serve others (see below). However, if you want to serve but what you feel called to isn’t already on these pages, come and talk to one of the Church Leaders and we’ll see if we can help to make your vision reality.
We believe in both prayer and practical action to enable us to fulfil God’s purposes. This is only achievable with the Holy Spirit’s help and the love, encouragement and fellowship of the church family.
Make Lunch
On Tuesdays and Thursdays during the local school holidays, we invite local families to join us for a cooked meal. We provide children’s activities and space for adults to sit and chat.
Make Lunch has its own Facebook Page and people can join in through that or by contacting us at BAUC or via our contacts page.
This is part of our mission to share the love of Jesus with our neighbours in practical ways.
Hope Cottage
Hope Cottage serves snacks and drinks in a friendly atmosphere with great prices. The café garden is particularly attractive. Community information and advice groups also meet here. Hope Cottage is owned by the church and is run by church and community volunteers.
Food Bank
Food Bank is operated out of Hope Cottage and is run by volunteers from the churches on the Peninsula. This service is accessed through or to know more, call The Foodbank Team on 07927 220209.
In partnership with Bere Peninsula Make Lunch (above), we run a School Uniform Bank where parents can get new and quality used items of school uniform free of charge. Please do get in touch with us on or at food bank for further information.
Soft Play
BAUC is part of an ecumenical initiative which enables preschoolers with their parents to access a fabulous soft play facility at the Parish Hall on a Wednesday morning from
10:00 a.m..
Contact Rev. Nick Law on 01822 840229 at The Rectory, Holy Trinity Church for more details.